1.Protocol A set of rules used mutually by two or more devices to communicate. Also, known as the "language" used in a network.
2.This default set of rules basically covers all the things you want to protect against, and makes it easy to get things going.
3.Like the forest-fire model, SIR is implemented by a simple set of rules but adds complex and interesting behavior.
4.To some people, Christianity seems to be a set of rules and rituals, a faith filled more with bad news than good news.
5.With a default set of rules, and the tweaks required for Mac OS X implemented if you're using that platform, you're ready to fire up Snort.
6.Through a defined set of rules, those events are analyzed and correlated to trigger specific actions or to generate derived events.
7.Mr Draghi is right to say that unless agreement can be reached on a clear set of rules, confidence will not return.
8.The way Wall Street did IPOs came under scrutiny. And a whole set of rules were put in place to try to stop accounting frauds like Enron.
9.it was about establishing a new and cohesive culture, with a clear-cut set of rules and a solid performance-management and feedback system.
10.When you externalize compassion into a set of rules and laws, what you're left with isn't compassion at all.